barcode bar code 4519232190770

Toshiba color copier e-STUDIO400AC

bar code 4519232190770

Thank You!


Auto feeder (sheets) :1 to 100
Bypass tray (sheets) :51 to 100
Copy :Yes
Duplex :Yes
Fax :As option
Format :A4
LAN :Yes
Maximum paper feed (sheets) :3001 to 5000
Print :Yes
Print speed b/w (ppm) :31 to 40
Print speed color (ppm) :31 to 40
Printing method :Laser
Printing type :Color
Scan :Yes
Standart paper feed (sheets) :601 to 1100
USB :Yes
WiFi :As option
Open_Label_386 2025.01.02. Open_Label_387